John Vorhaus, uno dei docenti di scrittura comica, stand up comedy, commedia e sitcom più amati al mondo, terrà a Roma in esclusiva per Come si scrive una grande storia due seminari intensivi: The Comic Toolbox Masterclass (19 ottobre) e Dialogue Writing (20 ottobre), entrambi dalle 9 alle 18.
N.B.: le lezioni si terranno in inglese, senza traduzione.
19/10, 9-18
This one-day masterclass in writing comedy will blow your mind with an onslaught of tricks, tools, information and inspiration. The fact is that anyone can be funny – you just need to know what target you’re trying to hit. Here’s just a hint of the ground we will cover.
- The comic premise
- Comedy = truth + pain
- Comedy and cruelty
- Basic comic tools
- The comic filter
- Flaws and humanity
- Super powers
- Sympathetic monsters
- Story and theme
- Story structure made easy
- Story development shortcuts
- The attitude map
- Working with collaborators and editors
- Building your brand
- Seizing opportunity
- Swift progress down a long road
20/10, 9-18
Okay, we know that John Vorhaus is “that Comic Toolbox guy” but what does he know about script-craft beyond just the funny part? Plenty, as it happens, and he can’t wait to share it all with you in this new one-day workshop, Dialogue Writing (Not for Comedy Only).
Here’s what you will learn how to do:
- Determine the “want” of the scene
- Identify the beats of the scene
- Establish your character’s voice
- Determine the “win” of the scene
- Write great scene description
- Write bad dialogue
And that’s all before lunch! Later you’ll get to:
- Write great dialogue
- Rewrite and polish
- Get notes
- Face the tough question, “Is ‘good enough’ good enough?”
- And make your words dance on the page
- With plenty of time for Q & A!
“There’s more to being a writer, of course, than just writing scenes in scripts – but it’s something that we can all stand to get good at, and I have so many tricks and tips that make it all so much easier. I look forward to meeting you, sharing with you, and helping you on your path. You’re a good writer now; you’re going to be greater later.”
John Vorhaus
John Vorhaus è un guru della scrittura comica che ha insegnato in più di 40 paesi, in cinque continenti. I suoi libri (tra cui Comic Toolbox, Little Book of Sitcom e Little Book of STANDUP) lo rendono il docente di riferimento per autori di commedia dalla Nuova Zelanda alla Norvegia, a tante altre nazioni che non cominciano con la lettera N.
Associazione Come scrivere una grande storia
Creata da Francesco Trento, Come si scrive una grande storia è una scuola di scrittura solidale, che accanto ai seminari a pagamento si dedica ad aiutare molte cause non profit. Da marzo del 2020 ha generato più di 175.000 euro di donazioni, e scambiato lezioni di scrittura con migliaia di ore di volontariato.
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